Two Sisters, One Mission...

GLOBAL DOMINATION! Okay, well not exactly "global domination" in the sense that we want to take over and rule the world like Napolean or Alexander The Great - though we think we could rock out gold armor really well. We just want to SEE it. We want to experience it, touch it, taste it, and live it. After taking out loans to study in the UK & Mexico while in college, we've got the travel itch, and BAD. We'd do just about anything to be the STA Travel Interns for 2009...

The 411

CAITLIN is the writer, blogger, language expert, and map & guide book keeper/reader/controller. She keeps us from getting lost and winding up in 3rd world country prisons. MEGHAN is the photographer, videographer, graphics and web guru always shooting and capturing the fast moving world around her. Two separate personalities who balance each other to make a brilliant and qualified traveling circus of a documentary team :)

More Morelia, please!

Four years ago, I did the unexpected. I told my family I’d be leaving to go live in Mexico for a month. Some people were really supportive of me, and others were apprehensive. And, I’m pretty sure there were those who thought I’d be going on a vacation, full of margaritas and all-you-can-eat buffets. Looking back on it, I am so proud of myself for not listening to other people’s fears, and having the courage to travel on my own. Mexico is so much more than the places we’ve come to know like Cancun and Acapulco. It’s a country full of artists, poets, musicians, scenery, architecture, religion, and some seriously good food.

The majority of my time in Mexico was spent in Morelia, in the state of Michoacán (I know, that’s a lot of M’s – their soccer team is also called the Monarcas!). Morelia is a great city that combines the timeless architecture of the European colonial era with a thriving, young energy – it has over eleven colleges and universities! The main cathedral, and many of the other historic buildings were built with a pink stone called “Cantera Rose,” and during sunset they look like they’re glowing. It’s amazing! Definitely worth a photo. There are also fireworks every Friday night in the zocalo, the city center – and if you go early, you can snag a seat at one of the sidewalk cafes and have dinner AND a show. Can’t beat that!

Have I mentioned the food? My mouth is already watering. The best thing about real Mexican food is that everything is so fresh. There are several outdoor markets where the locals buy their food, and you can find everything from bouquets of flowers and huge rinds of cheese to piles of chilies and fruits that practically fall out of their peels.

My favorite thing about Morelia is their public transportation – the infamous “combis” (comb-beez). These are converted Volkswagon buses that can fit anywhere from 15-20 people (though when they get that full, you definitely make some new friends!). Best part? They’ll take you anywhere in Morelia, and all you have to shell out is 5 pesos, which, with the pretty sweet exchange rate means you can go anywhere for 50 cents! Needless to say, I took full advantage of the combis, and though there’s no map for them, all you have to do is ask a local and they’ll point you in the right direction.

Gracias, Morelia, for teaching me how to appreciate real Mexican food and providing me with one of the best souvenir logo tees ever: a bright red monstrosity that reads: “Ai Guas In” Morelia, Mexico. Classic. -- Caitlin McKeighen


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