Two Sisters, One Mission...

GLOBAL DOMINATION! Okay, well not exactly "global domination" in the sense that we want to take over and rule the world like Napolean or Alexander The Great - though we think we could rock out gold armor really well. We just want to SEE it. We want to experience it, touch it, taste it, and live it. After taking out loans to study in the UK & Mexico while in college, we've got the travel itch, and BAD. We'd do just about anything to be the STA Travel Interns for 2009...

The 411

CAITLIN is the writer, blogger, language expert, and map & guide book keeper/reader/controller. She keeps us from getting lost and winding up in 3rd world country prisons. MEGHAN is the photographer, videographer, graphics and web guru always shooting and capturing the fast moving world around her. Two separate personalities who balance each other to make a brilliant and qualified traveling circus of a documentary team :)

Walk, Don’t Ride, London's Underground

Great article from!

You might think that the London underground train system--also called the tube--is a convenient and fast way to get around the city. But in fact, it's making you fat.

What you really need to know is how many calories you can burn by walking between stations instead. So an insurance company has released a map of the subway that shows how many steps there are between each station.

Read the rest of the article here...


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